Domain Site: Website Domain Name Configuration
Domain Site: Website Domain Name Configuration
Domain name configuration before setting up a domain name, you must know, such as domain names. There are three parts to a domain name for a website to create - (i) the registration of the domain name with a domain registrar, (ii) the creation of the domain name server DNS entry, and (iii) the configuration of Web server to listen to requests of the domain name. The application for the domain (eg a registration server, which then becomes a DNS server with the DNS information for the domain.
Once the DNS record for the domain, the domain name resolves to a specific IP address, the request is sent to the web server listening on that IP address. The Web server can delegate the request is based on the website of the respective domain name in the host header of the request object.
(Also known as a server) DNS server is usually carried out by the web hosting company. The DNS server entries have the domain name as the next section. At least one primary (eg and secondary (eg addresses) name server is required. The DNS server configuration requires additional knowledge and is not part of this article.
Domain settings for configuring the DNS domain in the DNS Server The can be done after the domain is registered, too, but not the domain name to the DNS configuration is complete. A DNS server maps domain names to IP address (es) of the web server and mail server to connect to a client on the server, the web server or e-mail with the domain name and IP address.
A forward lookup zone for the domain name in DNS creates. Start of Authority (SOA), Name Server (NS), the host name (A), the canonical name (CNAME) records and mail exchange (MX) to add the search box below for a domain such as shown with the name server and
Start of Authority (SOA): The SOA record is very important because it indicates the official record of the DNS domain name. There can be only one SOA record for each domain in a zone file.